New year

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Doin' the new job dance!

About three weeks ago I applied for a promotion at the Sugarhouse branch of Zions Bank.  They called me and I went in for an interview.  It all went really well and, while I left feeling like I had given a good interview, I also got the feeling that they didn't want to have to train someone because of some of the managers scheduling. Still, considering I knew I was a jumping the gun a little on applying and didn't have a couple of the trainings I had wanted to have, I was pretty content with a good interview and the knowledge that I was starting to get my name out there.  Well last Wednesday   I walk into my branch at 11 for the start of my shift and low and behold I get a phone call from Sugarhouse offering me the job!  Mind blown...a little.  Not only did I get the job but they got special permission to have me start a week early, so starting July 1st I'm there.

Why did it take me a week to write about this?  Well besides the fact I'm kinda terrible at blogging, I've been trying to cover as much of those pesky trainings as possible before the 1st.  It's a bit ridiculous :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

We bought a House!!

Gav and I have now joined the club, we have purchased our first house!  Its a little fixer-uper that will provide all sorts of projects for us to do.  I'm rather looking forward to it actually :)

Our little ones found their Fur-ever homes!!

A little over a month ago Gav and I started working with the non profit rescue Rescue Rovers Dog Adoptions (here) as fosters.  And our last two babies got ADOPTED!
 We will miss them, but we know they went to good homes!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Adventures in the ER

Tuesday night was a rather long one.  As in 7 hours at the emergency room long.  Now, neither Gav nor myself are strangers to hospitals, between nieces and nephews, accidents, sports and a mother who worked in one (on my part)we've seen our fair share.  This was a whole new experience.  Gav went up snowboarding with my brother and sister-in-law.  About half way through the day he took what my Dezaray described as a "massively epic fall" and landed wrong on his arm.  Thinking it was just a deep bruise he boarded down to the first aid station and chilled.  After many hours of the pain not subsiding and not being able to get comfortable I picked him up after work and we drove to the U.  Turns out it wasn't a bruise, or a broken bone.  He had managed to dislocate his elbow.

Should be an easy fix right? Wrong.  Turns out because it had been popped out so long that it took 2 bottles of  propofol(and another drug I can't remember the name of), portable X-ray, 3 nurses, 2 doctors(one an ortho specialist), and two rounds of pulling to pop his arm back in. 

We were finally discharged at 12:30 in the a.m. After more X-rays and a semi solid splint was wrapped around his arm.  The upside to this little adventure...Gav says really funny things when he's drugged.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Years Catchup

Yes, I am an enormous slacker at this blog, it is an admission freely given.  And now that that is out of the way...

The last few months have been very busy for Gav and I with big changes in work dynamics and holidays and vacations and the list goes on and on.  The holidays, yes all of them (including Halloween) we busy days filled with lots of family adn festivities.  And right in the middle of which we recieved a much welcomed respite to seriously warmer climates.  We both went on our first cruise ever!  It was amazing!  Really, I could go on and on but that is not the purpose of this post, and that's just way to many words to expect someone to read on a blog.

Not long after New Years we had my sister and her family move in with us while their house is being gutted and reformed into something awesome.  I think this has probably been a bigger adjustment for her and her family than for me (but then again I lived with 15 people in London in a flat that really wasn't much bigger than our house) at least when it comes to the no furniture rule she has for her dog.
This rule is not enforced at all.