Tuesday night was a rather long one. As in 7 hours at the emergency room long. Now, neither Gav nor myself are strangers to hospitals, between nieces and nephews, accidents, sports and a mother who worked in one (on my part)we've seen our fair share. This was a whole new experience. Gav went up snowboarding with my brother and sister-in-law. About half way through the day he took what my Dezaray described as a "massively epic fall" and landed wrong on his arm. Thinking it was just a deep bruise he boarded down to the first aid station and chilled. After many hours of the pain not subsiding and not being able to get comfortable I picked him up after work and we drove to the U. Turns out it wasn't a bruise, or a broken bone. He had managed to dislocate his elbow.
Should be an easy fix right? Wrong. Turns out because it had been popped out so long that it took 2 bottles of propofol(and another drug I can't remember the name of), portable X-ray, 3 nurses, 2 doctors(one an ortho specialist), and two rounds of pulling to pop his arm back in.
We were finally discharged at 12:30 in the a.m. After more X-rays and a semi solid splint was wrapped around his arm. The upside to this little adventure...Gav says really funny things when he's drugged.
Its always better when the patient is funny :-)