About three weeks ago I applied for a promotion at the Sugarhouse branch of Zions Bank. They called me and I went in for an interview. It all went really well and, while I left feeling like I had given a good interview, I also got the feeling that they didn't want to have to train someone because of some of the managers scheduling. Still, considering I knew I was a jumping the gun a little on applying and didn't have a couple of the trainings I had wanted to have, I was pretty content with a good interview and the knowledge that I was starting to get my name out there. Well last Wednesday I walk into my branch at 11 for the start of my shift and low and behold I get a phone call from Sugarhouse offering me the job! Mind blown...a little. Not only did I get the job but they got special permission to have me start a week early, so starting July 1st I'm there.
Why did it take me a week to write about this? Well besides the fact I'm kinda terrible at blogging, I've been trying to cover as much of those pesky trainings as possible before the 1st. It's a bit ridiculous :)
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