New year

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So I was driving with my dad the other day and I was laughing about the fact that, as the title of this blog implies, it was rather inevitable that Gav and I would have met eventually. Ovr the last year we've had the humorous opportunity to discover that if you looked up the term 6 degrees of seperation you would find a picture of the two of us. Be it friends of friends, parents of friends, Halloween parties, or randomly connected relatives it is impossible that the two of us wouldn't have been thrown together sooner or later (thankfully sooner).

As we were laughing about that my dad turned to me and asked, "You know what your grandfather would say right?" I didn't and so he proceeded to enlighten me. My grandfather was a great man, the kind of man who worked hard and fully believed that luck was real and there are no such things as coincidences. He would have said that for two people to just randomly be connected to the point of ridiculousness wasn't random. He would have said those two people chose each other before this life and so every effort was made to make sure they had the opportunity to find each other. I don't know how much believe that we chose each other, but if we did how awesome would that be! It would definitely explain why so many things that are supposed to be "awkward" or whatever come so naturally to us.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Settling in

Welcome to the first post of mine and Gav's blog. We've been married for 11 days that's kinda weird to think about...married, who'd a thunk it.

In those 11 days we've managed to get a fair amount done in the moving in department. We now officially own furniture together, we bought a nice little entertainment center from Ikea yesterday and spent the afternoon putting it together. And, knowing I was content with the little tv I had previously kept in my bedroom, he was in fear for his life just a bit when he brought home a brand new 40 incher I didn't know he had purchased! Luckily, for him, I don't mind as long as he doesn't divulge to me how much he spent on it.

Our little apartment is coming along nicely. We still have quite a few things to cross off the list but it's getting there. Hopefully by the end of the week we'll have a stove and microwave!!